Matamata-Piako District Council Building Consent Online Application System
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Need Help? Available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (Wednesdays from 9am)
Phone: 0800 746 467
Email: info@mpdc.govt.nz

Why Sign Up?
- I want to lodge an application for a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) with Council
- I want to lodge an application for a PIM / Building Consent application with Council
- I want to lodge an application for Code Compliance Certificate with Council
- I want to lodge an application for Exempt Building Work with Council
- I want to lodge an application for Certificate of Acceptance with Council
- I want to track the progress of my application/s
- I want to upload documentation electronically to support my application
- I want to access / download my approved documentation
No account yet? Click here to Sign Up
We have endeavoured to keep our Privacy Policy short and free of legal speak.
AlphaOne is a New Zealand owned and operated online software system that utilises cloud technology to enhance and simplify the Building Consent Authority process in New Zealand. Objective is the company that runs the AlphaOne services, refer https://www.alphaonebuildingconsent.com/
We respect client and customer privacy and want you to feel confident that information you have with us is held safely and treated with care. We are committed to safeguarding personal information in accordance with New Zealand’s Privacy Act 2020 (as amended) and our Privacy Policy.
Our Privacy Policy applies to the AlphaOne system and to customers and clients who use the AlphaOne system. By using our system, or otherwise supplying your personal information to us, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy.
We endeavour to only collect the data necessary to deliver the services required. We collect personal information which you choose to enter into the AlphaOne system as part of the registration and/or application process. This is largely driven by legislation. This information may include: your name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, date of birth, and other contact information.
We also store, process and transmit data and information regarding Building Consent Authority applications which you choose to enter or import into the AlphaOne system.
We may automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information may include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times, location and referring website addresses. This information is used by us for the operation of our system, to maintain the quality of the system, and to provide general statistical data regarding the use of our software.
Personal information is used for the purposes for which it was collected, including the operation of our system, to facilitate your use of our system and to manage your account in relation to our system, administration, delivery of services that you have requested, the performance of any agreement we have with you, to communicate with you, and the distribution of information to authorised Building Consent Authorities or agents for the purposes of the Building Consent Authority process.
We may also use and store data and information regarding Building Consent Authority applications which you choose to enter or import into the AlphaOne system to perform analysis.
Subject to the below paragraph, we will not disclose, sell, or otherwise make available to any unauthorised third party, any personal information provided by you or your authorised agent without you or your agent's consent.
We may disclose your personal information, without notice, only where such action is necessary to: (a) comply or conform with any law, or order of any Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction; (b) protect and defend our rights and property; and (c) act under urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our staff, customers, users, or the public.
You have the right of access to and correction of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
We understand the importance of security and protection of your data and information. We take all practical steps to secure your personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. However, it is not possible for any organisation to guarantee that 100% security will be maintained at all times.
The information entered or imported by you is stored securely by us and is only accessible by you, your agent, us and any person or Building Consent Authority authorised to access the information. The information entered or imported by you is secured by password. It is your responsibility to keep your password safe.
We will maintain all personal information and data in controlled environments that are secured against unauthorised access. All data transferred between you and AlphaOne servers is encrypted. However, the Internet is not in itself a secure environment, and we recommend that you should only enter or import data to the servers within a secure environment.
We may continue to store and use the information and data you enter into the AlphaOne system for analysis after the purpose for which the information was collected is completed.
Our system may use third party links enabling the transfer of data and information. While we do not accept responsibilities for the privacy practices or policies of these third parties, we will endeavour to ensure that their privacy policies and terms of use are aligned to our Privacy Policy.
We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Policy at our sole discretion at any time. Amendments to our Privacy Policy shall take effect from the date it is posted on our website.
The use of our services and products is subject to all terms and conditions contained in AlphaOne. Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction. In the event of a conflict between the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use shall take precedence.
Last updated: [25 May 2022]
I as registered Owner; or Owner's agent, acting on the authority of the Owner, I have read and accepted:
- All fees are payable directly to Matamata-Piako District Council and no fee is payable by the Applicant to Objective for the use of the AlphaOne system.
- The lodgement of an application does not in any way guarantee the approval or otherwise of any application.
- Subject to the Privacy Policy, by using the AlphaOne system, no contractual relationship exists between Objective and any user, Applicant, or Applicant's agent, other than the Matamata-Piako District Council; and no contractual duties, obligations, or liabilities, or any duty of care shall attach to Objective or any related company or agent of Objective.
- Upon filing an application accepted by the Matamata-Piako District Council, the Owner agrees to the application documentation and information being held by the Matamata-Piako District Council indefinitely and that this documentation and information or any part of it may be used by the Matamata-Piako District Council for any lawful purpose including disclosure of it, as required by law, in the public domain or to other persons or organisations.